Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does it take for my order to ship?

All of our orders are handmade, therefore they require additional time for processing. We strive to have our orders shipped in a 2-3 business days, but it could take as long as 7-10 business days for your order to ship. If you have special circumstances that require expedited processing please contact us at bowsheeshllc@gmail.com

How accurate is the bow size?

Being that our bows are handmade there is a small margin for human error. We strive to make our bows as perfect as possible, but please allow a 1/4”-1/2” margin for human error. This does not include our second quality bows. Our second quality product line is made from scrap fabric from other product lines. Our standard  5 inch bow size does not apply to our second quality product line.

Can I wash my bows?

We recommend that our bows be hand washed in a gentle detergent and hung to dry. No bleach.


Help! My nylon headbands/hair ties have stretched out.

Nylon is a very forgiving fabric that retains its shape well. They may still stretch out due to age and excessive use. We recommend submerging the bow and the nylon headband/hair tie in a hot bowl of water, and then hang dry. The hot water will help restore the original shape of the nylon.